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Keystone Behavioral Healthcare

brand new mobile responsive site
Owner needed to hire more staff
The company hired additional staff to handle more clients as a result of their website traffic.

Maya, the owner of Keystone BHC was creating her own private practice for therapy and needed a brand new website to attract potential clients. She needed something to help explain her services, prices, and how to contact her. After creating the site, her client base grew to the point where she needed to hire additional staff just to service all of her clients.


I used surveys and conducted interviews with potential therapy clients to determine what information they found most important on a therapist's website. They overwhelmingly said they focused on several key points. They needed to know what the therapist specializes in, what services they offer, what insurance they take, what their prices are, where they're located, and how to contact them.

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I created a simple one page design for this website, keeping all relevant information on one page with simple anchor tags in the navigation to quickly help users find information that they need. This was done to help prevent users from getting lost amongst numerous pages, and to improve information findability.

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Maya immediately saw an increase in client inquiries. After several months of practice, Maya the owner had to hire several more therapists to her practice in order to handle the influx of clients she was receiving due to her website traffic.

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