Sunnyland Farms was experiencing an unusually high number of abandoned carts on their site. Research showed users stopped using the site due to difficulty assigning order items to a specific shipment. This lead to a higher call volume to their call center as users were not able to order online. I improved the checkout experience allowing customers to complete their orders online and as a result the call center received 10% less call volume.
I conducted surveys, interviews, journey maps, competitive analyses, and usability tests. I found that users were not able to complete checkout because they were struggling to assign items in their order to a specific shipment. This was because Sunnyland Farms allowed users to split items from their order to be shipped to different locations as gifts. Splitting the order to different shipping addresses was unfamiliar and confusing for users.
Initially the new shipping page was split up to allow users to drag and drop items from their cart to be sent to different locations; due to usability and accessibility issues this idea was abandoned in favor of a dropdown select approach where users can select a specific address for each item in their cart.
Overall call center volume dropped by 15% after implementing our new shipping pages because customers were able to complete checkout successfully 100% of the time. There were also substantial improvements to the visual layout and design of the home page, navigation, and product pages which more easily allowed customer to find and add products to their cart.